Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Journalism Program at UNC

After this semester, I will be a senior.

After this semester, I will have completed my last writing course for journalism and I will wrap up the other classes needed in order for me to graduate in May 2010.

But what have I learned so far in JMC 410 Advanced News and Feature Writing? the Journalism program overall?

In JMC 410, I have learned the different styles of feature writing and how to choose which is the best fit. I have learned that daily happenings, even the very miniscule, can be observed by all the senses and seen in a different light when you have to write about it!

I have decided practice makes perfect when writing feature stories--everything for that matter-- and I should always re-read my work more. And self-edit as well.

In the journalism program overall, I have enjoyed my time as a JMC major. Although I wish we had more classes and emphases offered to us like other schools, I have enjoyed every class I've been enrolled in. At times they might have seemed a little tedious with busy work, silly meetings and such--I'm glad because I will take away a lot.

I had surprised myself that sports writing can be more fun than it would seem to someone who doesn't know A THING about sports! I was surprised that the faculty I have come across are some of the most helpful, nicest professors to come across and have appreciated their help and guidance during my time here.

I would like to offer some advice for students just starting the major-- don't take things so personally. The red, or some times blue markings, mutilating your paper at times is for the better. It's there to improve your writing skills you already have and help! Although one professor may be intimidating at first (Klyde-Silverstein), You will have such a great respect for her when graduation time comes. The professors really want you to succeed in the field and will demonstrate just that. They will extend a hand and give you tips on writing, if you're willing to give one and not be so prideful of your writing. I'm not sure about the other emphases.

I know I am certainly glad I chose to be a JMC major at UNC.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Day in Renaissance Italy-- In Guggenheim Hall.

For my Day in the life feature, I followed Michael "Chip" Coronel from his office to an art history II course he teaches as they learned about Renaissance Italy art.  I had also shadowed Michael Lemke, during this ceramics and foundation art class, but they were not included in my article. 

With this article I  learned how to take an image of a classroom and describe it in a different manner-- a theater. Guggenheim Hall, in room 001, reminds me of a movie theater with the stadium seating and the comfortable chairs. The projector comes down (one or two) and the lights dim. There are even lights on the side of the rows directing students to their chairs.

 I was able to take that metaphor of a theater and provide some descriptions to entice readers to continue reading. 

I should continue editing my articles better, reading them aloud before I turn them. I could catch grammatical errors by doing so.